
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Isabel the Horse Whisperer

I think I've mentioned in previous posts that Isabel has become increasingly obsessed with horses since we've arrived in Nicaragua.  Its morphed from just wanting to ride in the horse and carriages everyday to wanting to ride a actual horse everyday (and of course wanting us to buy her a horse and keep it in the house).   Despite our fears and her young age, we've increasingly let her ride more and more when we have the chance because she just loves it so much.  I think also seeing so many Nicaraguan children riding large horses alone, both with saddle and bareback, and having drunk the "Nicaraguan tranquilo kool-aide" we have relaxed our safety standards and eased our fears.

So, in honor of Isabel's love of horses, I thought I'd dedicate a post to her and the various horse experiences she's had so far.

One of the first rides at the lookout over Laguna de Apoyo.

The same day, after insisting that she ride alone.  They do 5 min rides through the woods.

On a trip to Miraflor Nature Reserve.  We actually rode a couple of hours to a waterfall. 
Much to her dismay, she had to be on one of our horses the whole time (rather than alone). 

Her favorite horse at the finca and on the ride to the waterfall.  It happened to be the one I was
riding so I got the pleasure of her sitting with me most of the trip (not comfortable
if you were wondering).
We went to check out horses before a big horse parade here (future post)
and the guy let her get on for a while.  So friendly here...

One of the horses getting ready for the parade.  His/her mane is braided
so Isabel wanted a picture.
Spent the weekend at a finca in Diriombo and Isabel got her first "lesson".
She now insists she knows how to ride and can go alone.

Don't know if you can see very well, but there were two new foals
 on the finca. Such a cool experience for Isabel.  One was only 8 days old.

Isabel leading the way with her friend Nadia in the saddle.

One of her birthday presents while we were in El Salvador was a
half an hour ride at a stable near Raul's family's house.

Most recently, she got to ride a horse on the beach.  Very thrilling for her
as she had never done that before.