
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Attack of the Mosquitos

I literally don't think I've even seen one mosquito (it is the dry season), but obviously they are around and after Isabel. For some reason, mosquitos always seem to get her and she has such a bad reaction to their bites. Of course, in addition to the reaction, she then scratches them like crazy making it worse. The bites in these photos aren't even half of what she has on her body. We think maybe she had one in her room and it just snacked on her all night.


  1. Oh poor Isabel :( What a drag!
    xo, Kristen

  2. I hope Isabel recovers quickly. What a bummer! --Rachel K.

    1. Thanks guys. She is doing better and thankfully has not had too many more. We got her a mosquito net and I've been using Skin So Soft-so far, fairly successful.
